Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday - Changing of the Guards

Stacey and I are headed to see the changing of the guard and Hyde Park. The rain is gone, so we are ready to take some pictures at the parks.

We may go to Greenwich too. I can't wait to stand on the prime meridian!

One thing I am thinking about....the British Open. Wouldn't that be cool? It is this week in Scotland. Hmmm.....

Love to all.


  1. Fantastic pictures Sarah, Thanks. Putter liked them too and is now running up and down the hallway and up a wall! Flat looks really cool, as does the neighborhood. Continue having a great time and take care. Love, Mom

  2. I don't know about the British Open but Scotland - just stay away from any circle of stones as I just finished another Diana Gabaldon Outlander series book.

  3. You must be the tannest person in all of England
